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the option to preview the web page before sending it Kindle. This will also serve the utility of a reader add on

the option to preview the web page before sending it Kindle. This will also serve the utility of a reader add on

Sreejit , 26.06.2011, 12:42
Response from the site administrator
SENDtoREADER, 09.12.2011
I'm already thinking about the best way to organize bookmarklet management... I'd also add a bookmarklet which will automatically add a tag to each doc sent via this bookmarklet.
Idea status: under consideration


oixio, 29.06.2011, 14:15
One solution would be a second bookmarklet that does not send the page but opens the "compose" window of SENDtoREADER with the current web page already imported. There you can edit the content or add more sites before sending them to the Kindle.
Rogelio, 07.09.2011, 15:23
"a second bookmarklet that does not send the page but opens the "compose" window of SENDtoREADER with the current web page already imported" That would be my perfect workflow
masterblaster, 09.12.2011, 15:46
great idea!

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