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What are the "additional features" of the FF addon

Addon vs bookmarklet, what are the benefits of addon? You mention it has additional features.

btw a): will there be Safari or Opera plugin?
btw b): I don't get the bookmarklet to run in opera, to which bar do I drag it?

masterblaster , 09.12.2011, 10:57
Response from the site administrator
SENDtoREADER, 09.12.2011
in Opera right-click on the bookmarklet and select "Create bookmark" in the drop-down menu. It'll be added to your bookmarks panel (Ctrl-B to show it up)
As for additional features, you can send a link to your Kindle by right-clicking on it and choosing "Send to Kindle" option in the popup menu.
Safari addon... I hope to release it this winter.
Idea status: under consideration


masterblaster, 09.12.2011, 11:16
your webservice is great!
your personal service too!
SENDtoREADER, 09.12.2011, 11:23
thanks :)

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